Saturday, April 5, 2014

#17 pain

Among the most frequent ways men have best tried to resist falling a prey to pain is by murmuring, “I have stopped expecting”. How does the statement pass the honest- to- god truth test? Very simply. One can discern that when one stands praying,submitting completely to that mightiest of all. And we stand there on the breadline. Distanced from all that ties us the moment eyes shut or the moment they look above. The above remains as it always does…without a god’s particle.

A fountain of burden freezes within. We are humans and we are made thus. Iceberg still melts, the mountain of an ogler doesn't. It stands hard solidifying all that we intend to marathon out of.

It is not sinful to expect. It does not penalize us. But a probable follow up of pain condenses the feeling of want. Expectations have stopped disembarking at our respective pre- decided destinations. Indeed it aches, but then piling up those needle pricks, we have not stopped in picking up the terminal bud and sipping a cup of tea as regularly as we do. Did we?

Between the good- bad, will be and not be, wish-wish not trajectories, what can be shies away in a diorama. 

The dominant mortals that we are, we take it on us to keep everything appear sans pareil. With or without probabilities, the morning still has its signature sun rise.

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